What We Will Create Together
With my help, you will:
- Regain your passion and feel excited about life again.
- Get total clarity on your direction.
- Be guided by the brilliant light of your own genius.
- Step up and fully own your creative gifts.
- Remember who you really are.
- Feel more flow and confidence in every area of your life.
- Experience freedom.
- Live your life as one joyous creative act.

Is This Right For Me?
Most certainly yes if:
You yearn to find your voice which comes from your soul and are ready now to invest in YOU so that you can enjoy the deep work of change .
You are excited by the work of deep transformation and magical alchemy and are open to new experiences.
You are open to creative ways working in the moment
You are willing to be vulnerable and open up to all possibilities
You desire to live the life of your dreams
You value yourself enough to invest time, effort and money creating the life you deserve
You are tired of waiting and SO ready to enter into the limitless realm of your Higher Self

How Is Working With You Any Different To Any Other Coach?

It began in childhood
My training just like yours began in my childhood. I successfully navigated the lessons presented to me by my own family, and by my schooling. Initially I struggled to find my place in the world. But always there was a sense that I was here to make things better.
Counsellor and Accredited Coach
I am now a qualified person-centred counsellor and ICF accredited coach with thirty years’ experience of inspiring and creating change within people. I also am a qualified and experienced teacher. My work is infused with my commitment to experiential learning and is informed by a deep knowledge of how people learn.
Management and Leadership
My experience in management and leadership workplace roles enables me to help you create the change in you that is needed so that you can do your REAL JOB, the real reason you are here on this planet, at this time, in this place. I am able to nurture, transform, motivate, innovate and see quickly what needs to be done, see what needs to be seen.
Reiki and Energy Work
I am also a qualified Level 2 Reiki practitioner and energy work is available to my clients to complement and enhance the core work if needed and appropriate. I work at an intuitive and energetic level always, which allows me to help you access all parts of you, including your Higher Self, and aspects of yourself that may be hidden or denied.
My first degree is in Philosophy which enables me to work at depth. I am not afraid of big and perplexing questions! In fact, I welcome them.
Artist and Poet
I am last but not least an artist and a poet, and I understand the power of the creative urge that needs to be expressed in whatever unique form that is within you. I love music, visual imagery, and language and I love to communicate in all of these ways. And we can if needed use collage, writing, body work and visualisation, even photography to help you access and express your true self. I have an MA in Creative Writing and have an active interest in the power of poetry to access trans-personal realms.
I am a mother, and I have successfully navigated many other life transitions including:
- Recovering from chronic incurable illness.
- Resigning from a corporate role to start my own successful heart and soul centred business.
- Enduring a very dramatic menopause, which I now know to be a powerful portal.
I work creatively and am happy to go to the very edge with you, and I also work within strong ethical guidelines. All of my programmes are underlined by respect for your process and are completely bespoke in terms of what we do.
The biggest difference between me and other coaches out there is that I invite you to join in a moment by moment dance, where we spontaneously explore the different realms of your very deepest, widest and highest aspects in whatever way feels most creative and meaningful for you.

So what does this mean, what does this work involve?
As a Radical Alignment Coach and Consultant for Creative Women, I work with you in a co-creative partnership. I guide, support, and challenge. I offer intuitive hunches.
Radical Alignment is about revolutionary change that begins on an inner level.
I help you get
- Clarity
- Courage
- Confidence
- Certainty
And that is when the magic starts to happen.
Once you have these four Cs, you can be who you need to be, go where you want to go, do what you ‘came here’ to do.
You will be fully equipped to make the shift into alignment with your True Self, your Higher Self, your Soul.
It’s intimately connected to purpose, calling, vision, and values and we certainly will explore all of these.
Most likely you also want to align with a world where values like love, peace, creativity, joy, trust, tolerance and so on are lived values.
So this work we will do is also about creating change by being the change, I know you know that Gandhi said this, but more specifically this is firstly about finding out who you really are, then getting support while you live this.
My clients use words like freedom and liberation when describing their new lives. They feel ready, ARE ready, to fulfil their role as LEADERS, change-makers, midwives of the new paradigm. And this feels like a destiny, a calling.
So if this is resonating, it’s time for us to connect!
What Others Are Saying…

‘Alison helped me open creative doorways that had been blocked for a long time, gently guiding me to examine deeply buried issues that were impacting on every aspect of my life.’

‘Alison was wonderful to work with, intuitive and gentle in her probing me to find the purpose I needed. I loved being able to be guided towards finding my own solutions, rather than being told what to do. I was helped to find the very things that my soul was searching for.’

‘Alison Smith has freed something in me. My creativity has been hidden for a long time.’

Alison helped me to see, acknowledge and consolidate areas in my life where I had been hurt in the past and how I could work through those hurts to reduce the negative influence in the present and future. She has a way of holding the space with compassion to create safety and security. I felt guided clearly and safely to explore some historical issues that had been impacting my work and relationships. Powerful and moving.