
What is Freedom?

When we look for definitions many turn first to the dictionary and there we find these answers: ‘the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to,

What is Freedom?2020-01-08T14:26:00+00:00

The answer to everything

I feel wonderful today as I write this, and not because my life is perfect, or even because the sun is shining, but because I am alive, and I have the gift of another day

The answer to everything2018-05-18T10:35:44+01:00


Eric Fromm said that ‘Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties’. In my own creative process of writing a poem I recognize the stages of this. It all begins with an idea, a



I first came across this notion in the work of Carl Rogers when I was doing my training in person centred counselling. Authenticity, or ‘congruence’ or ‘genuineness’ is according to Rogers, and he spoke and


Follow Your Calling

I’m a great believer in starting anything new with a settling into the NOW. How am I feeling right now, this moment, what thoughts are arising, what do I observe within and around me? As

Follow Your Calling2019-12-20T15:51:41+00:00
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